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MQTTPubSubClient_Generic Library (MQTT Client for ESP8266, ESP32, etc.)

arduino-library-badge GitHub release GitHub contributions welcome GitHub issues

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Table of Contents Why do we need this MQTTPubSubClient_Generic library Features Currently supported Boards Currently supported WiFi shields/modules Currently supported Ethernet shields/modules Changelog Prerequisites Installation Use Arduino Library Manager Manual Install VS Code & PlatformIO Packages' Patches 1. For Adafruit nRF52840 and nRF52832 boards 2. For Teensy boards 3. For Arduino SAM DUE boards 4. For Arduino SAMD boards For core version v1.8.10+ For core version v1.8.9- 5. For Adafruit SAMD boards 6. For Seeeduino SAMD boards 7. For STM32 boards 7.1. For STM32 boards to use LAN8720 7.2. For STM32 boards to use Serial1 8. For RP2040-based boards using Earle Philhower arduino-pico core 8.1. To use BOARD_NAME 8.2. To avoid compile error relating to microsecondsToClockCycles 9. For Portenta_H7 boards using Arduino IDE in Linux 10. For RTL8720DN boards using AmebaD core 11. For SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards using ArduinoCore-fab-sam core 12. For Seeeduino RP2040 boards 13. For Seeeduino nRF52840 boards Libraries' Patches 1. For application requiring 2K+ HTML page 2. For Ethernet library 3. For EthernetLarge library 4. For Etherne2 library 5. For Ethernet3 library 6. For UIPEthernet library 7. For fixing ESP32 compile error 8. For fixing ESP8266 compile error HOWTO Use analogRead() with ESP32 running WiFi and/or BlueTooth (BT/BLE) 1. ESP32 has 2 ADCs, named ADC1 and ADC2 2. ESP32 ADCs functions 3. ESP32 WiFi uses ADC2 for WiFi functions Usage MQTT MQTT over WebSocket MQTT with Secure Connection Callback Signature Send and Receive Buffer Size Management APIs HOWTO use STM32F4 with LAN8720 1. Wiring 2. HOWTO program using STLink V-2 or V-3 3. HOWTO use Serial Port for Debugging Examples 1. For Ethernet 1. EtherMQTT 2. EtherMQTToverWebSocket 2. For QNEthernet 1. MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet 2. MQTT_QNEthernet 3. For STM32 1. EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 2. EtherMQTT_STM32 4. For WiFi 1. WiFiMQTT 2. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket 3. WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure 4. WiFiMQTTSecure 5. WiFiMQTTSecureAWS 5. For RP2040W New 1. WiFiMQTT 2. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket 3. WiFiMQTTSecure 4. WiFiMQTTSecureAWS 6. For WiFiNINA 1. WiFiNINA_MQTT 2. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket 3. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure 4. WiFiNINA_MQTTSecure 5. WiFiNINA_MQTTSecureAWS 7. For WiFi101 1. WiFiMQTT 2. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket Example EtherMQTToverWebSocket 1. File EtherMQTToverWebSocket.ino 2. File defines.h Debug Terminal Output Samples 1. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E 2. WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV 3. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT 4. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on NUCLEO_F767ZI 5. EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 on NUCLEO_F767ZI 6. MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet on TEENSY 4.1 7. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO 8. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO 9. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on TEENSY 4.0 10. WiFiMQTT on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W New 11. WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W New 12. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W New 13. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket on Nano_RP2040_Connect New 14. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano_RP2040_Connect New 15. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT New Debug Troubleshooting Issues TO DO DONE Contributions and Thanks Contributing License Copyright Why do we need this MQTTPubSubClient_Generic library Features

This MQTTPubSubClient_Generic library is based on and modified from

Joël Gähwiler's lwmqtt Library Joël Gähwiler's async-mqtt Library Hideaki Tai's MQTTPubSubClient Library

to provide support to many more boards besides ESP32/ESP8266, such as SAMD, SAM DUE, nRF52, RP2040, STM32, Teensy 4.1, etc. boards. Those supported boards can be used with ESP8266/ESP32’s WiFi, WiFiNINA, CYW43439 WiFi, LAN8742A Ethernet, Teensy 4.1 QNEthernet, W5x00 Ethernet, etc.

Currently supported Boards

This MQTTPubSubClient_Generic library currently supports these following boards:

nRF52 boards, such as AdaFruit Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.


Arduino SAMD21: ZERO, MKRs, NANO_33_IOT, etc. Adafruit SAMD21 (M0): ItsyBitsy M0, Feather M0, Feather M0 Express, Metro M0 Express, Circuit Playground Express, Trinket M0, PIRkey, Hallowing M0, Crickit M0, etc. Seeeduino: LoRaWAN, Zero, Femto M0, XIAO M0, Wio GPS Board, etc. SAMD51 Adafruit SAMD51 (M4): Metro M4, Grand Central M4, ItsyBitsy M4, Feather M4 Express, Trellis M4, Metro M4 AirLift Lite, MONSTER M4SK Express, Hallowing M4, etc. Seeeduino: Wio Terminal, Grove UI Wireless

Teensy (4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3,2, 3.1, 3.0)


ESP32 boards, such as ESP32_DEV, etc. ESP32_S2-based boards, such as ESP32S2_DEV, ESP32_S2 Saola, etc. ESP32_C3-based boards, such as ESP32C3_DEV, etc. New ESP32_S3 (ESP32S3_DEV, ESP32_S3_BOX, UM TINYS3, UM PROS3, UM FEATHERS3, etc.) New


RP2040-based boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Arduino-mbed RP2040 core or Earle Philhower's arduino-pico core.

WT32_ETH01 boards using ESP32-based boards and LAN8720 Ethernet

STM32 boards with built-in Ethernet LAN8742A such as :

Nucleo-144 (F429ZI, F767ZI) Discovery (STM32F746G-DISCOVERY) All STM32 boards (STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1) with 32K+ Flash, with Built-in Ethernet See EthernetWebServer_STM32 Support and Test Results

STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards (with 32+K Flash) running W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields)

Nucleo-144 Nucleo-64 Discovery Generic STM32F0, STM32F1, STM32F2, STM32F3, STM32F4, STM32F7 (with 64+K Flash): x8 and up STM32L0, STM32L1, STM32L4 STM32G0, STM32G4 STM32H7 STM32WB STM32MP1 LoRa boards 3-D printer boards Generic Flight Controllers Midatronics boards

STM32 boards using Ethernet LAN8720 such as :

Nucleo-144 (F429ZI, NUCLEO_F746NG, NUCLEO_F746ZG, NUCLEO_F756ZG) Discovery (DISCO_F746NG) STM32F4 boards (BLACK_F407VE, BLACK_F407VG, BLACK_F407ZE, BLACK_F407ZG, BLACK_F407VE_Mini, DIYMORE_F407VGT, FK407M1)

RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040, using Ethernet or WiFiNINA

RP2040W boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W, using Cyw43439 WiFi or Ethernet

Currently supported WiFi shields/modules WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic library WWiFi101 using WiFi101_Generic library New U-Blox W101, W102 using WiFiNINA_Generic library ESP8266-AT command using WiFiEspAT library ESP8266/ESP32-AT command using ESP_AT_Lib library and ESP8266_AT_WebServer ESP32 and ESP8266 WiFi RP2040W built-in CYW43439 WiFi Currently supported Ethernet shields/modules W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic library ENC28J60 using EthernetENC or UIPEthernet library LAN8720 Ethernet used in WT32_ETH01 (ESP32 + LAN8720) boards Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet using NativeEthernet library Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet using QNEthernet library LAN8742A or LAN8720 using STM32Ethernet and LwIP libraries. Prerequisites

Arduino IDE 1.8.19+ for Arduino. GitHub release

Teensy core v1.57+ for Teensy (4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3,2, 3.1, 3.0) boards.

Arduino SAM DUE core v1.6.12+ for SAM DUE ARM Cortex-M3 boards. Not yet

Arduino SAMD core 1.8.13+ for SAMD ARM Cortex-M0+ boards. GitHub release

Adafruit SAMD core 1.7.11+ for SAMD ARM Cortex-M0+ and M4 boards (Nano 33 IoT, etc.). GitHub release

Seeeduino SAMD core 1.8.3+ for SAMD21/SAMD51 boards (XIAO M0, Wio Terminal, etc.). Latest release

Adafruit nRF52 v1.3.0+ for nRF52 boards such as Adafruit NRF52840_FEATHER, NRF52832_FEATHER, NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE, NRF52840_ITSYBITSY, NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY, NRF52840_CLUE, NRF52840_METRO, NRF52840_PCA10056, PARTICLE_XENON, NINA_B302_ublox, etc. GitHub release

ESP32 Core 2.0.5+ for ESP32-based boards. Latest release

ESP8266 Core 3.0.2+ for ESP8266-based boards. Latest release. To use ESP8266 core 2.7.1+ for LittleFS.

ArduinoCore-mbed mbed_rp2040, mbed_nano, mbed_portenta core 3.4.1+ for Arduino (Use Arduino Board Manager) Portenta_H7, RP2040-based boards, such as Nano_RP2040_Connect, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO. GitHub release

Earle Philhower's arduino-pico core v2.6.3+ for RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, etc. GitHub release

Arduino Core for STM32 v2.3.0+ for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards. GitHub release. Use STM32 core v2.2.0 for LAN8720 or compile error.

WiFiNINA_Generic library v1.8.15-1+ if for WiFiNINA. To install. check arduino-library-badge.

EthernetWebServer library v2.3.0+ if necessary to use Ethernet modules/shields. To install, check arduino-library-badge

EthernetWebServer_STM32 library v1.5.0+ if necessary to use Ethernet modules/shields. To install, check arduino-library-badge

WebServer_WT32_ETH01 library v1.5.1+ if necessary to use WT32_ETH01 boards. To install, check arduino-library-badge

Depending on which Ethernet card you're using:

Ethernet_Generic library v2.7.1+ for W5100, W5200 and W5500/WIZ550io/WIZ850io/USR-ES1 with Wiznet W5500 chip. GitHub release EthernetENC library v2.0.3+ for ENC28J60. GitHub release. New and Better UIPEthernet library v2.0.12+ for ENC28J60. GitHub release STM32Ethernet library v1.3.0+ for built-in LAN8742A Ethernet on (Nucleo-144, Discovery). GitHub release. To be used with LwIP library v2.1.2+. GitHub release. NativeEthernet Library version stable111+ for Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet. QNEthernet Library version v0.16.0+ Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet. New WiFiWebServer library v1.10.1+ if necessary to use certain WiFi/WiFiNINA features. To install, check arduino-library-badge WiFi101_Generic Library v1.0.0+ to use SAMD MKR1000, etc. boards with WiFi101 to send large data. To install. check arduino-library-badge. WebSockets_Generic library v2.16.1+ if necessary to use MQTT-over-WebSockets features. To install, check arduino-library-badge Installation Use Arduino Library Manager

The best and easiest way is to use Arduino Library Manager. Search for MQTTPubSubClient_Generic, then select / install the latest version. You can also use this link arduino-library-badge for more detailed instructions.

Manual Install

Another way to install is to:

Navigate to MQTTPubSubClient_Generic page. Download the latest release Extract the zip file to MQTTPubSubClient_Generic-main directory Copy whole MQTTPubSubClient_Generic-main folder to Arduino libraries' directory such as ~/Arduino/libraries/. VS Code & PlatformIO: Install VS Code Install PlatformIO Install MQTTPubSubClient_Generic library by using Library Manager. Search for MQTTPubSubClient_Generic in Author's Libraries Use included platformio.ini file from examples to ensure that all dependent libraries will installed automatically. Please visit documentation for the other options and examples at Project Configuration File Packages' Patches 1. For Adafruit nRF52840 and nRF52832 boards

To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on nRF52840/nRF52832 boards, you have to copy the whole nRF52 Packages_Patches directory into Adafruit nRF52 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0).

Supposing the Adafruit nRF52 version is 1.3.0. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/boards.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/cores/nRF5/Udp.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/cores/nRF5/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/cores/nRF5/Print.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/variants/NINA_B302_ublox/variant.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/variants/NINA_B302_ublox/variant.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/variants/NINA_B112_ublox/variant.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/variants/NINA_B112_ublox/variant.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/1.3.0/cores/nRF5/Udp.h

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy these files into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.z These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/boards.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Udp.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Print.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/variants/NINA_B302_ublox/variant.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/variants/NINA_B302_ublox/variant.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/variants/NINA_B112_ublox/variant.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/variants/NINA_B112_ublox/variant.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Udp.h 2. For Teensy boards

To be able to compile and run on Teensy boards, you have to copy the files in Packages_Patches for Teensy directory into Teensy hardware directory (./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/boards.txt).

Supposing the Arduino version is 1.8.19. These files must be copied into the directory:

./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/boards.txt ./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy/Stream.h ./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3/Stream.h ./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy4/Stream.h

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz These files must be copied into the directory:

./arduino-x.yy.zz/hardware/teensy/avr/boards.txt ./arduino-x.yy.zz/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy/Stream.h ./arduino-x.yy.zz/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3/Stream.h ./arduino-x.yy.zz/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy4/Stream.h 3. For Arduino SAM DUE boards

To be able to compile and run on SAM DUE boards, you have to copy the whole SAM DUE directory into Arduino sam directory (~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/1.6.12).

Supposing the Arduino SAM core version is 1.6.12. This file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/sam/x.yy.zz/platform.txt 4. For Arduino SAMD boards

To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on Arduino SAMD (Nano-33-IoT, etc) boards, you have to copy the whole Arduino SAMD Packages_Patches directory into Arduino SAMD directory (~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/1.8.13).

For core version v1.8.10+

Supposing the Arduino SAMD version is 1.8.13. Now only one file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this files into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz

This file must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/platform.txt For core version v1.8.9-

Supposing the Arduino SAMD version is 1.8.9. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/1.8.9/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/1.8.9/cores/arduino/Arduino.h

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy these files into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.z

These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.z/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.z/cores/arduino/Arduino.h

This is mandatory to fix the notorious Arduino SAMD compiler error. See Improve Arduino compatibility with the STL (min and max macro)

...\arm-none-eabi\include\c++\7.2.1\bits\stl_algobase.h:243:56: error: macro "min" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2 min(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Compare __comp)

Whenever the above-mentioned compiler error issue is fixed with the new Arduino SAMD release, you don't need to copy the Arduino.h file anymore.

5. For Adafruit SAMD boards

To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on Adafruit SAMD (Itsy-Bitsy M4, etc) boards, you have to copy the whole Adafruit SAMD Packages_Patches directory into Adafruit samd directory (~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/1.7.11).

Supposing the Adafruit SAMD core version is 1.7.11. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/1.7.11/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/1.7.11/cores/arduino/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/1.7.11/cores/arduino/Print.cpp

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/cores/arduino/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/adafruit/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/cores/arduino/Print.cpp 6. For Seeeduino SAMD boards

To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on Seeeduino SAMD (XIAO M0, Wio Terminal, etc) boards, you have to copy the whole Seeeduino SAMD Packages_Patches directory into Seeeduino samd directory (~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3).

Supposing the Seeeduino SAMD core version is 1.8.3. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Arduino.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3/cores/arduino/Print.cpp

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/cores/arduino/Arduino.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/cores/arduino/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/cores/arduino/Print.cpp 7. For STM32 boards 7.1 For STM32 boards to use LAN8720

For Generic STM32F4 series boards, such as STM32F407VE, using LAN8720, please use STM32 core v2.2.0 as breaking core v2.3.0 creates the compile error.

To use LAN8720 on some STM32 boards

Nucleo-144 (F429ZI, NUCLEO_F746NG, NUCLEO_F746ZG, NUCLEO_F756ZG) Discovery (DISCO_F746NG) STM32F4 boards (BLACK_F407VE, BLACK_F407VG, BLACK_F407ZE, BLACK_F407ZG, BLACK_F407VE_Mini, DIYMORE_F407VGT, FK407M1)

you have to copy the files stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h and stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h into STM32 stm32 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system) to overwrite the old files.

Supposing the STM32 stm32 core version is 2.2.0. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h for STM32F4. ~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.2.0/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h for Nucleo-144 STM32F7.

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz, these files must be copied into the corresponding directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/x.yy.zz/system/STM32F4xx/stm32f4xx_hal_conf_default.h ~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/x.yy.zz/system/STM32F7xx/stm32f7xx_hal_conf_default.h 7.2 For STM32 boards to use Serial1

To use Serial1 on some STM32 boards without Serial1 definition (Nucleo-144 NUCLEO_F767ZI, Nucleo-64 NUCLEO_L053R8, etc.) boards, you have to copy the files STM32 variant.h into STM32 stm32 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0). You have to modify the files corresponding to your boards, this is just an illustration how to do.

Supposing the STM32 stm32 core version is 2.3.0. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h for Nucleo-144 NUCLEO_F767ZI. ~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/2.3.0/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h for Nucleo-64 NUCLEO_L053R8.

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz, these files must be copied into the corresponding directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/x.yy.zz/variants/STM32F7xx/F765Z(G-I)T_F767Z(G-I)T_F777ZIT/NUCLEO_F767ZI/variant.h ~/.arduino15/packages/STM32/hardware/stm32/x.yy.zz/variants/STM32L0xx/L052R(6-8)T_L053R(6-8)T_L063R8T/NUCLEO_L053R8/variant.h 8. For RP2040-based boards using Earle Philhower arduino-pico core 8.1 To use BOARD_NAME

To be able to automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on RP2040-based boards (RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040, GENERIC_RP2040, etc) boards, you have to copy the file RP2040 platform.txt into rp2040 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/1.4.0).

Supposing the rp2040 core version is 1.4.0. This file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied into the directory:


With core after v1.5.0, this step is not necessary anymore thanks to the PR Add -DBOARD_NAME="{build.board}" #136.

8.2 To avoid compile error relating to microsecondsToClockCycles

Some libraries, such as Adafruit DHT-sensor-library, require the definition of microsecondsToClockCycles(). To be able to compile and run on RP2040-based boards, you have to copy the files in RP2040 Arduino.h into rp2040 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/1.4.0).

Supposing the rp2040 core version is 1.4.0. This file must be copied to replace:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied to replace:


With core after v1.5.0, this step is not necessary anymore thanks to the PR Add defs for compatibility #142.

9. For Portenta_H7 boards using Arduino IDE in Linux

To be able to upload firmware to Portenta_H7 using Arduino IDE in Linux (Ubuntu, etc.), you have to copy the file into mbed_portenta directory (~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/mbed_portenta/3.4.1/

Then run the following command using sudo

$ cd ~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/mbed_portenta/3.4.1 $ chmod 755 $ sudo ./

This will create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/49-portenta_h7.rules as follows:

# Portenta H7 bootloader mode UDEV rules SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ATTRS{idProduct}=="035b", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0666"

Supposing the ArduinoCore-mbed core version is 3.4.1. Now only one file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this files into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz

This file must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/mbed_portenta/x.yy.zz/ 10. For RTL8720DN boards using AmebaD core

To avoid compile error relating to PROGMEM, you have to copy the file Realtek AmebaD core pgmspace.h into Realtek AmebaD directory (~/.arduino15/packages/realtek/hardware/AmebaD/3.1.4/cores/ambd/avr/pgmspace.h).

Supposing the Realtek AmebaD core version is 3.1.4. This file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/realtek/hardware/AmebaD/x.yy.zz/cores/ambd/avr/pgmspace.h 11. For SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards using ArduinoCore-fab-sam core

To avoid compile error relating to SAMD21/SAMD51, you have to copy the file ArduinoCore-fab-sam core pgmspace.h into ArduinoCore-fab-sam samd directory (~/.arduino15/packages/Fab_SAM_Arduino/hardware/samd/1.9.0/boards.txt).

Supposing the ArduinoCore-fab-sam samd core version is 1.9.0. This file must be copied into the directory:


Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Fab_SAM_Arduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/boards.txt 12. For Seeeduino RP2040 boards

To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on Seeeduino RP2040 (XIAO RP2040, Wio RP2040 Mini) boards, you have to copy the whole Seeeduino RP2040 Packages_Patches directory into Seeeduino samd directory (~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/rp2040/2.7.2).

Supposing the Seeeduino RP2040 core version is 2.7.2. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/rp2040/2.7.2/boards.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/rp2040/2.7.2/variants/Seeed_XIAO_RP2040/pins_arduino.h

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/boards.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/x.yy.zz/variants/Seeed_XIAO_RP2040/pins_arduino.h 13. For Seeeduino nRF52840 boards

To be able to compile and run on Xiao nRF52840 boards, you have to copy the whole nRF52 1.0.0 directory into Seeeduino nRF52 directory (~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.0.0).

Supposing the Seeeduino nRF52 version is 1.0.0. These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.0.0/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.0.0/cores/nRF5/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.0.0/cores/nRF5/Print.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/1.0.0/cores/nRF5/Udp.h

Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy these files into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.z These files must be copied into the directory:

~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/platform.txt ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Print.h ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Print.cpp ~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/nrf52/x.yy.z/cores/nRF5/Udp.h Libraries' Patches 1. For application requiring 2K+ HTML page

If your application requires 2K+ HTML page, the current Ethernet library must be modified if you are using W5200/W5500 Ethernet shields. W5100 is not supported for 2K+ buffer. If you use boards requiring different CS/SS pin for W5x00 Ethernet shield, for example ESP32, ESP8266, nRF52, etc., you also have to modify the following libraries to be able to specify the CS/SS pin correctly.

2. For Ethernet library

To fix Ethernet library, just copy these following files into the Ethernet library directory to overwrite the old files:

Ethernet.h Ethernet.cpp EthernetServer.cpp w5100.h w5100.cpp

You can also use the forked and modified library at Patched Ethernet

3. For EthernetLarge library

To fix EthernetLarge library, just copy these following files into the EthernetLarge library directory to overwrite the old files:

EthernetLarge.h EthernetLarge.cpp EthernetServer.cpp w5100.h w5100.cpp

You can also use the forked and modified library at Patched EthernetLarge

4. For Ethernet2 library

To fix Ethernet2 library, just copy these following files into the Ethernet2 library directory to overwrite the old files:

Ethernet2.h Ethernet2.cpp

To add UDP Multicast support, necessary for the UPnP_Generic library:

EthernetUdp2.h EthernetUdp2.cpp

You can also use the forked and modified library at Patched Ethernet2

5. For Ethernet3 library To fix Ethernet3 library, just copy these following files into the Ethernet3 library directory to overwrite the old files: Ethernet3.h Ethernet3.cpp

You can also use the forked and modified library at Patched Ethernet3

6. For UIPEthernet library

To be able to compile and run on nRF52 boards with ENC28J60 using UIPEthernet library, you have to copy these following files into the UIPEthernet utility directory to overwrite the old files:

UIPEthernet.h UIPEthernet.cpp Enc28J60Network.h Enc28J60Network.cpp 7. For fixing ESP32 compile error

To fix ESP32 compile error, just copy the following file into the ESP32 cores/esp32 directory (e.g. ./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/espressif/cores/esp32) to overwrite the old file:

Server.h 8. For fixing ESP8266 compile error

To fix ESP8266 compile error such as

error: 'class EthernetClass' has no member named 'init' Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN);

just rename the following file in ./arduino-1.8.19/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266/libraries/Ethernet directory

From Ethernet.h to Ethernet_ESP8266.h HOWTO Use analogRead() with ESP32 running WiFi and/or BlueTooth (BT/BLE)

Please have a look at ESP_WiFiManager Issue 39: Not able to read analog port when using the autoconnect example to have more detailed description and solution of the issue.

1. ESP32 has 2 ADCs, named ADC1 and ADC2 2. ESP32 ADCs functions ADC1 controls ADC function for pins GPIO32-GPIO39 ADC2 controls ADC function for pins GPIO0, 2, 4, 12-15, 25-27 3.. ESP32 WiFi uses ADC2 for WiFi functions

Look in file adc_common.c

In ADC2, there're two locks used for different cases:

lock shared with app and Wi-Fi: ESP32: When Wi-Fi using the ADC2, we assume it will never stop, so app checks the lock and returns immediately if failed. ESP32S2: The controller's control over the ADC is determined by the arbiter. There is no need to control by lock.

lock shared between tasks: when several tasks sharing the ADC2, we want to guarantee all the requests will be handled. Since conversions are short (about 31us), app returns the lock very soon, we use a spinlock to stand there waiting to do conversions one by one.

adc2_spinlock should be acquired first, then adc2_wifi_lock or rtc_spinlock.

In order to use ADC2 for other functions, we have to acquire complicated firmware locks and very difficult to do So, it's not advisable to use ADC2 with WiFi/BlueTooth (BT/BLE). Use ADC1, and pins GPIO32-GPIO39 If somehow it's a must to use those pins serviced by ADC2 (GPIO0, 2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26 and 27), use the fix mentioned at the end of ESP_WiFiManager Issue 39: Not able to read analog port when using the autoconnect example to work with ESP32 WiFi/BlueTooth (BT/BLE). Usage MQTT #include // or // #include #include WiFiClient client; // or // EthernetClient client; MQTTPubSubClient mqttClient; void setup() { // start your network WiFi.begin("your-ssid", "your-password"); // connect to host client.connect("", 1883); // initialize mqtt client mqttClient.begin(client); // connect to mqtt broker mqttClient.connect("arduino", "public", "public"); // subscribe callback which is called when every packet has come mqttClient.subscribe([](const String & topic, const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.println("mqtt received: " + topic + " - " + payload); }); // subscribe topic and callback which is called when /hello has come mqttClient.subscribe("/hello", [](const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.print("/hello "); Serial.println(payload); }); } void loop() { // should be called to trigger callbacks mqttClient.update(); // publish message mqttClient.publish("/hello", "world"); delay(1000); } MQTT over WebSocket

Just replace WiFiClient or EthernetClient to WebSocketsClient.

#include #include // include before MQTTPubSubClient_Generic.h #include WebSocketsClient client; MQTTPubSubClient mqttClient; void setup() { // start your network WiFi.begin("your-ssid", "your-password"); // connect to host with MQTT over WebSocket securely client.beginSSL("", 443); client.setReconnectInterval(2000); // initialize mqtt client mqttClient.begin(client); // connect to mqtt broker mqttClient.connect("arduino", "public", "public"); // subscribe callback which is called when every packet has come mqttClient.subscribe([](const String & topic, const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.println("mqtt received: " + topic + " - " + payload); }); // subscribe topic and callback which is called when /hello has come mqttClient.subscribe("/hello", [](const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.print("/hello "); Serial.println(payload); }); } void loop() { // should be called to trigger callbacks mqttClient.update(); // publish message mqttClient.publish("/hello", "world"); delay(1000); } MQTT with Secure Connection

If your board supports secure connection with certificates, it is also supported same as above. Please see WiFiMQTTSecureAWS example for the detail.

#include #include #include const char AWS_CERT_CA[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; const char AWS_CERT_PRIVATE[] = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; const char AWS_CERT_CRT[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; WiFiClientSecure client; MQTTPubSubClient mqttClient; void setup() { // start your network WiFi.begin("your-ssid", "your-password"); // connect to aws endpoint with certificates and keys client.setCACert(AWS_CERT_CA); client.setCertificate(AWS_CERT_CRT); client.setPrivateKey(AWS_CERT_PRIVATE); client.connect("", 8883); // initialize mqtt client mqttClient.begin(client); // connect to mqtt broker mqttClient.connect("your-device-name"); // subscribe callback which is called when every packet has come mqttClient.subscribe([](const String & topic, const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.println("mqtt received: " + topic + " - " + payload); }); // subscribe topic and callback which is called when /hello has come mqttClient.subscribe("/hello", [](const String & payload, const size_t size) { Serial.print("/hello "); Serial.println(payload); }); } void loop() { // should be called to trigger callbacks mqttClient.update(); // publish message mqttClient.publish("/hello", "aws"); delay(1000); } Callback Signature

The following signature are available for callbacks.

// callback for every packet void callback(const String& topic, const String& payload, const size_t size); void callback(const String& topic, const char* payload, const size_t size); void callback(const char* topic, const String& payload, const size_t size); void callback(const const char* topic, const char* payload, const size_t size); // callback for each topic void callback(const String& payload, const size_t size); void callback(const char* payload, const size_t size); Send and Receive Buffer Size Management

The default send / receive buffer size is 128 and defined as below.

using MQTTPubSubClient = MQTTPubSub::PubSubClient;

If you want to change the buffer, please create instance like this.

MQTTPubSub::PubSubClient mqtt; APIs void begin(ClientType& client); bool connect(const String& client_id, const String& user = "", const String& pass = ""); bool disconnect(); bool update(); bool publish(const String& topic, const String& payload, const bool retained = false, int qos = 0); bool publish(const String& topic, uint8_t* payload, const size_t length, const bool retained = false, const uint8_t qos = 0); void subscribe(const global_callback_t& cb); bool subscribe(const String& topic, const topic_callback_t& cb); bool subscribe(const String& topic, const uint8_t qos, const topic_callback_t& cb); bool unsubscribe(const String& topic); void setClockSource(const MQTTClientClockSource& cb); void setWill(const String& topic, const String& payload = "", const bool retained = false, const uint8_t qos = 0); void clearWill(); void setKeepAliveSendInterval(const uint32_t ms); void setKeepAliveTimeout(const uint16_t sec); void setCleanSession(const bool b); void setTimeout(const uint32_t ms); void setOptions(const uint16_t keep_alive_timeout_sec, const bool b_clean_session, const uint32_t timeout_ms); bool isConnected() const; lwmqtt_err_t getLastError() const; lwmqtt_return_code_t getReturnCode() const; HOWTO use STM32F4 with LAN8720 1. Wiring

This is the Wiring for STM32F4 (BLACK_F407VE, etc.) using LAN8720

LAN8720 PHY STM32F4 TX1 PB_13 TX_EN PB_11 TX0 PB_12 RX0 PC_4 RX1 PC_5 nINT/RETCLK PA_1 CRS PA_7 MDIO PA_2 MDC PC_1 GND GND VCC +3.3V 2. HOWTO program using STLink V-2 or V-3

Connect as follows. To program, use STM32CubeProgrammer or Arduino IDE with

U(S)ART Support: "Enabled (generic Serial)"

Upload Method : "STM32CubeProgrammer (SWD)"

Jumper settings to program via STLInk

From To BOOT0 3.3V Jumper settings when running normally to avoid accidentally reprogram From To BOOT0 GND STLink STM32F4 SWCLK SWCLK SWDIO SWDIO RST NRST GND GND 5v 5V

3. HOWTO use Serial Port for Debugging

Connect FDTI (USB to Serial) as follows:

FDTI STM32F4 RX TX=PA_9 TX RX=PA_10 GND GND Examples 1. For Ethernet EtherMQTT EtherMQTToverWebSocket 2. For QNEthernet MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet MQTT_QNEthernet 3. For STM32 EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 EtherMQTT_STM32 4. For WiFi WiFiMQTT WiFiMQTToverWebSocket WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure WiFiMQTTSecure WiFiMQTTSecureAWS 5. For RP2040W WiFiMQTT WiFiMQTToverWebSocket WiFiMQTTSecure WiFiMQTTSecureAWS 6. For WiFiNINA WiFiNINA_MQTT WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure WiFiNINA_MQTTSecure WiFiNINA_MQTTSecureAWS 7. For WiFi101 WiFiMQTT WiFiMQTToverWebSocket Example EtherMQTToverWebSocket 1. File EtherMQTToverWebSocket.ino


Lines 17 to 326 in da7f8b5

#include "defines.h" #define MQTTPUBSUBCLIENT_USE_WEBSOCKETS true #include // include before MQTTPubSubClient.h #define MQTTPUBSUBCLIENT_USE_WEBSOCKETS true #include WebSocketsClient client; //MQTTPubSub::PubSubClient mqttClient; MQTTPubSubClient mqttClient; //#define WS_SERVER "" #define WS_SERVER "" #define WS_PORT 8080 const char *PubTopic = "/mqttPubSub"; // Topic to publish const char *PubMessage = "Hello from " BOARD_NAME " with " SHIELD_TYPE; // Topic Message to publish void initEthernet() { #if USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7 ET_LOGWARN(F("======== USE_PORTENTA_H7_ETHERNET ========")); #elif USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET ET_LOGWARN(F("======== USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET ========")); #elif USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC ET_LOGWARN(F("=========== USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC ===========")); #elif USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 ET_LOGWARN(F("=========== USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 ===========")); #elif USE_ETHERNET_ENC ET_LOGWARN(F("=========== USE_ETHERNET_ENC ===========")); #else ET_LOGWARN(F("=========================")); #endif #if !(USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET || USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7) #if (USING_SPI2) #if defined(CUR_PIN_MISO) ET_LOGWARN(F("Default SPI pinout:")); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MOSI:"), CUR_PIN_MOSI); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MISO:"), CUR_PIN_MISO); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SCK:"), CUR_PIN_SCK); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SS:"), CUR_PIN_SS); ET_LOGWARN(F("=========================")); #endif #else ET_LOGWARN(F("Default SPI pinout:")); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MOSI:"), MOSI); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MISO:"), MISO); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SCK:"), SCK); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SS:"), SS); ET_LOGWARN(F("=========================")); #endif #if defined(ESP8266) // For ESP8266, change for other boards if necessary #ifndef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN D2 // For ESP8266 #endif ET_LOGWARN1(F("ESP8266 setCsPin:"), USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #if ( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) // For ESP8266 // Pin D0(GPIO16) D1(GPIO5) D2(GPIO4) D3(GPIO0) D4(GPIO2) D8 // EthernetGeneric X X X X X 0 // Ethernet_ESP8266 0 0 0 0 0 0 // D2 is safe to used for Ethernet, Ethernet2, Ethernet3, EthernetLarge libs // Must use library patch for Ethernet, EthernetLarge libraries Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #elif USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET // You have to add initialization for your Custom Ethernet here // This is just an example to setCSPin to USE_THIS_SS_PIN, and can be not correct and enough Ethernet.init(USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #endif //( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) #elif defined(ESP32) // You can use Ethernet.init(pin) to configure the CS pin //Ethernet.init(10); // Most Arduino shields //Ethernet.init(5); // MKR ETH shield //Ethernet.init(0); // Teensy 2.0 //Ethernet.init(20); // Teensy++ 2.0 //Ethernet.init(15); // ESP8266 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet //Ethernet.init(33); // ESP32 with Adafruit Featherwing Ethernet #ifndef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 5 //22 // For ESP32 #endif ET_LOGWARN1(F("ESP32 setCsPin:"), USE_THIS_SS_PIN); // For other boards, to change if necessary #if ( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) // Must use library patch for Ethernet, EthernetLarge libraries // ESP32 => GPIO2,4,5,13,15,21,22 OK with Ethernet, Ethernet2, EthernetLarge // ESP32 => GPIO2,4,5,15,21,22 OK with Ethernet3 //Ethernet.setCsPin (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #elif USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET // You have to add initialization for your Custom Ethernet here // This is just an example to setCSPin to USE_THIS_SS_PIN, and can be not correct and enough Ethernet.init(USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #endif //( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) #elif ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO pinMode(USE_THIS_SS_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(USE_THIS_SS_PIN, HIGH); // ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO, use default SS = 5 or 17 #ifndef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_MBED) #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 17 // For Arduino Mbed core #else #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 17 // For E.Philhower core #endif #endif ET_LOGWARN1(F("RPIPICO setCsPin:"), USE_THIS_SS_PIN); // For other boards, to change if necessary #if ( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) // Must use library patch for Ethernet, EthernetLarge libraries // For RPI Pico using Arduino Mbed RP2040 core // SCK: GPIO2, MOSI: GPIO3, MISO: GPIO4, SS/CS: GPIO5 // For RPI Pico using E. Philhower RP2040 core // SCK: GPIO18, MOSI: GPIO19, MISO: GPIO16, SS/CS: GPIO17 // Default pin 5/17 to SS/CS //Ethernet.setCsPin (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #endif //( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) #else //defined(ESP8266) // unknown board, do nothing, use default SS = 10 #ifndef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 // For other boards #endif #if defined(BOARD_NAME) ET_LOGWARN3(F("Board :"), BOARD_NAME, F(", setCsPin:"), USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #else ET_LOGWARN1(F("Unknown board setCsPin:"), USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #endif // For other boards, to change if necessary #if ( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC || USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET ) // Must use library patch for Ethernet, Ethernet2, EthernetLarge libraries Ethernet.init (USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #elif USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET // You have to add initialization for your Custom Ethernet here // This is just an example to setCSPin to USE_THIS_SS_PIN, and can be not correct and enough Ethernet.init(USE_THIS_SS_PIN); #endif //( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ENC ) #endif // defined(ESP8266) #endif // #if !(USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET) // start the ethernet connection and the server: // Use DHCP dynamic IP and random mac uint16_t macIndex = millis() % NUMBER_OF_MAC; // Use Static IP //Ethernet.begin(mac[macIndex], ip); Ethernet.begin(mac[macIndex]); #if !(USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET || USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7) ET_LOGWARN(F("=========================")); #if defined( ESP32 ) // Just info to know how to connect correctly // To change for other SPI ET_LOGWARN(F("Currently Used SPI pinout:")); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MOSI:"), PIN_MOSI); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MISO:"), PIN_MISO); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SCK:"), PIN_SCK); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SS:"), PIN_SS); #else #if defined(CUR_PIN_MISO) ET_LOGWARN(F("Currently Used SPI pinout:")); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MOSI:"), CUR_PIN_MOSI); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MISO:"), CUR_PIN_MISO); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SCK:"), CUR_PIN_SCK); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SS:"), CUR_PIN_SS); #else ET_LOGWARN(F("Currently Used SPI pinout:")); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MOSI:"), MOSI); ET_LOGWARN1(F("MISO:"), MISO); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SCK:"), SCK); ET_LOGWARN1(F("SS:"), SS); #endif #endif ET_LOGWARN(F("=========================")); #elif (USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7) if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) { Serial.println("No Ethernet found. Stay here forever"); while (true) { delay(1); // do nothing, no point running without Ethernet hardware } } if (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkOFF) { Serial.println("Not connected Ethernet cable"); } #endif Serial.print(F("Using mac index = ")); Serial.println(macIndex); Serial.print(F("Connected! IP address: ")); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial && millis() < 5000); Serial.print("\nStart EtherMQTToverWebSocket on "); Serial.print(BOARD_NAME); Serial.print(" with "); Serial.println(SHIELD_TYPE); Serial.println(ETHERNET_WEBSERVER_VERSION); Serial.println(MQTT_PUBSUB_CLIENT_GENERIC_VERSION); initEthernet(); // server address, port and URL Serial.print("Connecting to WebSockets Server @ "); Serial.println(WS_SERVER); client.begin(WS_SERVER, WS_PORT, "/", "mqtt"); // "mqtt" is required client.setReconnectInterval(2000); // initialize mqtt client mqttClient.begin(client); Serial.print("Connecting to mqtt broker..."); while (!mqttClient.connect("arduino", "public", "public")) { Serial.print("."); delay(1000); } Serial.println(" connected!"); // subscribe callback which is called when every packet has come mqttClient.subscribe([](const String & topic, const String & payload, const size_t size) { (void) size; Serial.println("MQTT received: " + topic + " - " + payload); }); // subscribe topic and callback which is called when /hello has come mqttClient.subscribe(PubTopic, [](const String & payload, const size_t size) { (void) size; Serial.print("Subcribed to "); Serial.print(PubTopic); Serial.print(" => "); Serial.println(payload); }); mqttClient.publish(PubTopic, PubMessage); } void loop() { mqttClient.update(); // should be called // publish message static uint32_t prev_ms = millis(); if (millis() > prev_ms + 30000) { prev_ms = millis(); mqttClient.publish(PubTopic, PubMessage); } }

2. File defines.h


Lines 16 to 491 in da7f8b5

#ifndef defines_h #define defines_h #define DEBUG_ETHERNET_WEBSERVER_PORT Serial // Debug Level from 0 to 4 #define _ETHERNET_WEBSERVER_LOGLEVEL_ 3 #define _MQTT_PUBSUB_LOGLEVEL_ 1 #define USING_SPI2 false //true #if ( defined(ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7_M7) || defined(ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7_M4) ) #if defined(BOARD_NAME) #undef BOARD_NAME #endif #if defined(CORE_CM7) #warning Using Portenta H7 M7 core #define BOARD_NAME "PORTENTA_H7_M7" #else #warning Using Portenta H7 M4 core #define BOARD_NAME "PORTENTA_H7_M4" #endif #define ETHERNET_USE_PORTENTA_H7 true #define USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7 true #endif #if ( defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKR1000) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWIFI1010) \ || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_NANO_33_IOT) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRFox1200) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWAN1300) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWAN1310) \ || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRGSM1400) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRNB1500) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRVIDOR4000) || defined(__SAMD21G18A__) \ || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_EXPRESS) || defined(__SAMD21E18A__) || defined(__SAMD51__) || defined(__SAMD51J20A__) || defined(__SAMD51J19A__) \ || defined(__SAMD51G19A__) || defined(__SAMD51P19A__) || defined(__SAMD21G18A__) ) #if defined(ETHERNET_USE_SAMD) #undef ETHERNET_USE_SAMD #endif #define ETHERNET_USE_SAMD true #endif #if ( defined(NRF52840_FEATHER) || defined(NRF52832_FEATHER) || defined(NRF52_SERIES) || defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) || \ defined(NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE) || defined(NRF52840_ITSYBITSY) || defined(NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY) || defined(NRF52840_CLUE) || \ defined(NRF52840_METRO) || defined(NRF52840_PCA10056) || defined(PARTICLE_XENON) || defined(NINA_B302_ublox) || defined(NINA_B112_ublox) ) #if defined(ETHERNET_USE_NRF528XX) #undef ETHERNET_USE_NRF528XX #endif #define ETHERNET_USE_NRF528XX true #endif #if ( defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || defined(__SAM3X8E__) ) #if defined(ETHERNET_USE_SAM_DUE) #undef ETHERNET_USE_SAM_DUE #endif #define ETHERNET_USE_SAM_DUE true #endif #if ( defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) || defined(ARDUINO_RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) || defined(ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040) || defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_RP2040) ) #if defined(ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO) #undef ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO #endif #define ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO true #endif #if defined(ETHERNET_USE_SAMD) // For SAMD // Default pin 10 to SS/CS #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 #if ( defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO) && !defined(SEEED_XIAO_M0) ) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD Zero" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKR1000) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKR1000" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWIFI1010) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRWIFI1010" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_NANO_33_IOT) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD NANO_33_IOT" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRFox1200) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRFox1200" #elif ( defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWAN1300) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWAN1310) ) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRWAN13X0" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRGSM1400) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRGSM1400" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRNB1500) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRNB1500" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRVIDOR4000) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD MKRVIDOR4000" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD ARDUINO_SAMD_CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_M0_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_M0_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_METRO_M0_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_METRO_M0_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_CIRCUITPLAYGROUND_M0" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_GEMMA_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_GEMMA_M0" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_TRINKET_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_TRINKET_M0" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M0" #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_HALLOWING_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21 ARDUINO_SAMD_HALLOWING_M0" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_METRO_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_METRO_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_GRAND_CENTRAL_M4) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_GRAND_CENTRAL_M4" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M4_EXPRESS" #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_TRELLIS_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_TRELLIS_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYPORTAL) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYPORTAL" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYPORTAL_M4_TITANO) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYPORTAL_M4_TITANO" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYBADGE_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYBADGE_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_METRO_M4_AIRLIFT_LITE) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_METRO_M4_AIRLIFT_LITE" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYGAMER_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYGAMER_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYGAMER_ADVANCE_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYGAMER_ADVANCE_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_PYBADGE_AIRLIFT_M4) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_PYBADGE_AIRLIFT_M4" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_MONSTER_M4SK_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_MONSTER_M4SK_EXPRESS" #elif defined(ADAFRUIT_HALLOWING_M4_EXPRESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51 ADAFRUIT_HALLOWING_M4_EXPRESS" #elif defined(SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL" #elif defined(SEEED_FEMTO_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED_FEMTO_M0" #elif defined(SEEED_XIAO_M0) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED_XIAO_M0" #ifdef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #undef USE_THIS_SS_PIN #endif #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN A1 #warning define SEEED_XIAO_M0 USE_THIS_SS_PIN == A1 #elif defined(Wio_Lite_MG126) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED Wio_Lite_MG126" #elif defined(WIO_GPS_BOARD) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED WIO_GPS_BOARD" #elif defined(SEEEDUINO_ZERO) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEEDUINO_ZERO" #elif defined(SEEEDUINO_LORAWAN) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEEDUINO_LORAWAN" #elif defined(SEEED_GROVE_UI_WIRELESS) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD SEEED_GROVE_UI_WIRELESS" #elif defined(__SAMD21E18A__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21E18A" #elif defined(__SAMD21G18A__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD21G18A" #elif defined(__SAMD51G19A__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51G19A" #elif defined(__SAMD51J19A__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51J19A" #elif defined(__SAMD51J20A__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51J20A" #elif defined(__SAM3X8E__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAM3X8E" #elif defined(__CPU_ARC__) #define BOARD_TYPE "CPU_ARC" #elif defined(__SAMD51__) #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD51" #else #define BOARD_TYPE "SAMD Unknown" #endif #elif (ETHERNET_USE_SAM_DUE) // Default pin 10 to SS/CS #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 #define BOARD_TYPE "SAM DUE" #elif (ETHERNET_USE_NRF528XX) // Default pin 10 to SS/CS #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 #if defined(NRF52840_FEATHER) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_FEATHER" #elif defined(NRF52832_FEATHER) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52832_FEATHER" #elif defined(NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_FEATHER_SENSE" #elif defined(NRF52840_ITSYBITSY) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_ITSYBITSY" #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 // For other boards #elif defined(NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_CIRCUITPLAY" #elif defined(NRF52840_CLUE) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_CLUE" #elif defined(NRF52840_METRO) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_METRO" #elif defined(NRF52840_PCA10056) #define BOARD_TYPE "NRF52840_PCA10056" #elif defined(NINA_B302_ublox) #define BOARD_TYPE "NINA_B302_ublox" #elif defined(NINA_B112_ublox) #define BOARD_TYPE "NINA_B112_ublox" #elif defined(PARTICLE_XENON) #define BOARD_TYPE "PARTICLE_XENON" #elif defined(ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT) #define BOARD_TYPE "ARDUINO_NRF52_ADAFRUIT" #else #define BOARD_TYPE "nRF52 Unknown" #endif #elif ( defined(CORE_TEENSY) ) // Default pin 10 to SS/CS #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 #if defined(__IMXRT1062__) // For Teensy 4.1/4.0 #if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) #define BOARD_TYPE "TEENSY 4.1" // Use true for NativeEthernet Library, false if using other Ethernet libraries #define USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET true #elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY40) #define BOARD_TYPE "TEENSY 4.0" #else #define BOARD_TYPE "TEENSY 4.x" #endif #elif defined(__MK66FX1M0__) #define BOARD_TYPE "Teensy 3.6" #elif defined(__MK64FX512__) #define BOARD_TYPE "Teensy 3.5" #elif defined(__MKL26Z64__) #define BOARD_TYPE "Teensy LC" #elif defined(__MK20DX256__) #define BOARD_TYPE "Teensy 3.2" // and Teensy 3.1 (obsolete) #elif defined(__MK20DX128__) #define BOARD_TYPE "Teensy 3.0" #elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__) #error Teensy 2.0++ not supported yet #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) #error Teensy 2.0 not supported yet #else // For Other Boards #define BOARD_TYPE "Unknown Teensy Board" #endif #elif ( defined(ESP8266) ) // For ESP8266 #warning Use ESP8266 architecture #include #define ETHERNET_USE_ESP8266 #define BOARD_TYPE ARDUINO_BOARD #elif ( defined(ESP32) ) // For ESP32 #warning Use ESP32 architecture #define ETHERNET_USE_ESP32 #define BOARD_TYPE ARDUINO_BOARD #define W5500_RST_PORT 21 #elif ETHERNET_USE_RPIPICO // Default pin 5 (in Mbed) or 17 to SS/CS #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_MBED) // For RPI Pico using Arduino Mbed RP2040 core // SCK: GPIO2, MOSI: GPIO3, MISO: GPIO4, SS/CS: GPIO5 #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 17 #if defined(BOARD_NAME) #undef BOARD_NAME #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_RASPBERRY_PI_PICO) #define BOARD_TYPE "MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO" #elif defined(ARDUINO_ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040) #define BOARD_TYPE "MBED DAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040" #elif defined(ARDUINO_GENERIC_RP2040) #define BOARD_TYPE "MBED GENERIC_RP2040" #else #define BOARD_TYPE "MBED Unknown RP2040" #endif #else #define USING_SPI2 true // For RPI Pico using E. Philhower RP2040 core #if (USING_SPI2) // SCK: GPIO14, MOSI: GPIO15, MISO: GPIO12, SS/CS: GPIO13 for SPI1 #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 13 #else // SCK: GPIO18, MOSI: GPIO19, MISO: GPIO16, SS/CS: GPIO17 for SPI0 #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 17 #endif #endif #define SS_PIN_DEFAULT USE_THIS_SS_PIN // For RPI Pico #warning Use RPI-Pico RP2040 architecture #else // For Mega // Default pin 10 to SS/CS #define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 10 // Reduce size for Mega #define SENDCONTENT_P_BUFFER_SZ 512 #define BOARD_TYPE "AVR Mega" #endif #ifndef BOARD_NAME #define BOARD_NAME BOARD_TYPE #endif #include // Use true for ENC28J60 and UIPEthernet library ( // Use false for W5x00 and Ethernetx library ( //#define USE_UIP_ETHERNET true #define USE_UIP_ETHERNET false // Note: To rename ESP628266 Ethernet lib files to Ethernet_ESP8266.h and Ethernet_ESP8266.cpp // In order to USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 #if ( !defined(USE_UIP_ETHERNET) || !USE_UIP_ETHERNET ) // To override the default CS/SS pin. Don't use unless you know exactly which pin to use // You can define here or customize for each board at same place with BOARD_TYPE // Check @ defined(SEEED_XIAO_M0) //#define USE_THIS_SS_PIN 22 //21 //5 //4 //2 //15 // Only one if the following to be true #define USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC true #define USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 false #define USE_ETHERNET_ENC false #define USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET false //////////////////////////// #if ( USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC || USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 || USE_ETHERNET_ENC || \ USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET || USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7 ) #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET #undef USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET #endif #define USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET false #endif #if USE_ETHERNET_PORTENTA_H7 #include #include #warning Using Portenta_Ethernet lib for Portenta_H7. #define SHIELD_TYPE "Ethernet using Portenta_Ethernet Library" #elif USE_NATIVE_ETHERNET #include "NativeEthernet.h" #warning Using NativeEthernet lib for Teensy 4.1. Must also use Teensy Packages Patch or error #define SHIELD_TYPE "Custom Ethernet using Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet Library" #elif USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC #if (ESP32) #include // Optional SPI2 //#define USING_SPI2 true #if USING_SPI2 #define PIN_MISO HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MISO #define PIN_MOSI HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_MOSI #define PIN_SCK HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CLK #define PIN_SS HSPI_IOMUX_PIN_NUM_CS #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI2" #else #define PIN_MISO MISO #define PIN_MOSI MOSI #define PIN_SCK SCK #define PIN_SS SS #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI" #endif #else #if USING_SPI2 #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI1" #else #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI0/SPI" #endif #endif #define ETHERNET_LARGE_BUFFERS #define _ETG_LOGLEVEL_ 1 #include "Ethernet_Generic.h" #warning Using Ethernet_Generic lib #elif USE_ETHERNET_ESP8266 #include "Ethernet_ESP8266.h" #warning Using Ethernet_ESP8266 lib #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using Ethernet_ESP8266 Library" #elif USE_ETHERNET_ENC #include "EthernetENC.h" #warning Using EthernetENC lib #define SHIELD_TYPE "ENC28J60 using EthernetENC Library" #elif USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET //#include "Ethernet_XYZ.h" #include "EthernetENC.h" #warning Using Custom Ethernet library. You must include a library and initialize. #define SHIELD_TYPE "Custom Ethernet using Ethernet_XYZ Library" #else #ifdef USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC #undef USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC #endif #define USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC true #include "Ethernet_Generic.h" #warning Using default Ethernet_Generic lib #define SHIELD_TYPE "W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library" #endif // Ethernet_Shield_W5200, EtherCard, EtherSia not supported // Select just 1 of the following #include if uncomment #define USE_CUSTOM_ETHERNET // Otherwise, standard Ethernet library will be used for W5x00 //////////////////////////// #elif USE_UIP_ETHERNET #include "UIPEthernet.h" #warning Using UIPEthernet library #define SHIELD_TYPE "ENC28J60 using UIPEthernet Library" #endif // #if !USE_UIP_ETHERNET #include #ifndef SHIELD_TYPE #define SHIELD_TYPE "Unknown Ethernet shield/library" #endif // Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below. #define NUMBER_OF_MAC 20 byte mac[][NUMBER_OF_MAC] = { { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x01 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x02 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x03 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x04 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x05 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x06 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x07 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x08 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x09 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x0A }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x0B }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x0C }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x0D }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x0E }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x0F }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x10 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x11 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x12 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x13 }, { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x14 }, }; // Select the IP address according to your local network IPAddress ip(192, 168, 2, 222); // Google DNS Server IP IPAddress myDns(8, 8, 8, 8); #endif //defines_h

Debug Terminal Output Samples 1. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E with ESP WiFi using WiFi Library MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-39 dBm Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from ESP8266_NODEMCU_ESP12E 2. WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV connecting to WebSockets server.

Start WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-35 dBm Connecting to secured-host:port = Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on ESP32_DEV 3. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library WiFiWebServer v1.10.1 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-15 dBm Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from SAMD_NANO_33_IOT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from SAMD_NANO_33_IOT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library 4. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on NUCLEO_F767ZI

This is terminal debug output when running EtherMQTToverWebSocket on STM32F7 NUCLEO_F767ZI connecting to MQTT server.

Start EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 on NUCLEO_F767ZI with W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library EthernetWebServer_STM32 v1.5.0 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 [EWS] Board : NUCLEO_F767ZI , setCsPin: 10 [EWS] Default SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 11 [EWS] MISO: 12 [EWS] SCK: 13 [EWS] SS: 10 [EWS] ========================= Connected! IP address: Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with W5x00 using default Ethernet_Generic Library 5. EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 on NUCLEO_F767ZI

This is terminal debug output when running EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 on STM32F7 NUCLEO_F767ZI-ETH01 with LAN8742A connecting to MQTT server.

Start EtherMQTToverWebSocket_STM32 on NUCLEO_F767ZI with LAN8742A Ethernet & STM32Ethernet Library EthernetWebServer_STM32 v1.5.0 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connected! IP address: Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with LAN8742A Ethernet & STM32Ethernet Library Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from NUCLEO_F767ZI with LAN8742A Ethernet & STM32Ethernet Library 6. MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet on TEENSY 4.1

This is terminal debug output when running MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet on TEENSY 4.1 with QNEthernet connecting to MQTT server.

Start MQTToverWebSocket_QNEthernet on TEENSY 4.1 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 =========== USE_QN_ETHERNET =========== Initialize Ethernet using static IP => Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from TEENSY 4.1 using QNEthernet Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from TEENSY 4.1 using QNEthernet 7. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO

This is terminal debug output when running EtherMQTToverWebSocket on MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO with W5500 Ethernet connecting to MQTT server.

Start EtherMQTToverWebSocket on MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO EthernetWebServer v2.3.0 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 [EWS] =========== USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC =========== [EWS] Default SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 19 [EWS] MISO: 16 [EWS] SCK: 18 [EWS] SS: 17 [EWS] ========================= [EWS] RPIPICO setCsPin: 17 _pinCS = 0 W5100 init, using SS_PIN_DEFAULT = 17, new ss_pin = 10, W5100Class::ss_pin = 17 W5100::init: W5500, SSIZE =8192 ========================= Currently Used SPI pinout: MOSI:19 MISO:16 SCK:18 SS:17 ========================= Using mac index = 17 Connected! IP address: Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker...Done connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from MBED RASPBERRY_PI_PICO 8. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO

This is terminal debug output when running EtherMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO with W5500 Ethernet connecting to MQTT server.

Start EtherMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI1 EthernetWebServer v2.3.0 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 [EWS] =========== USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC =========== [EWS] Default SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 15 [EWS] MISO: 12 [EWS] SCK: 14 [EWS] SS: 13 [EWS] ========================= [EWS] RPIPICO setCsPin: 13 [EWS] ========================= [EWS] Currently Used SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 15 [EWS] MISO: 12 [EWS] SCK: 14 [EWS] SS: 13 [EWS] ========================= Using mac index = 9 Connected! IP address: Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI1 Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI1 9. EtherMQTToverWebSocket on TEENSY 4.0

This is terminal debug output when running EtherMQTToverWebSocket on TEENSY 4.0 with W5500 Ethernet connecting to MQTT server.

Start EtherMQTToverWebSocket on TEENSY 4.0 with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI0/SPI EthernetWebServer v2.3.0 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 [EWS] =========== USE_ETHERNET_GENERIC =========== [EWS] Default SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 11 [EWS] MISO: 12 [EWS] SCK: 13 [EWS] SS: 10 [EWS] ========================= [EWS] Board : TEENSY 4.0 , setCsPin: 10 [EWS] ========================= [EWS] Currently Used SPI pinout: [EWS] MOSI: 11 [EWS] MISO: 12 [EWS] SCK: 13 [EWS] SS: 10 [EWS] ========================= Using mac index = 4 Connected! IP address: Connecting to WebSockets Server @ Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from TEENSY 4.0 with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI0/SPI Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from TEENSY 4.0 with W5x00 using Ethernet_Generic Library on SPI0/SPI 10. WiFiMQTT on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTT on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiMQTT on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):0 dBm Connecting to WebSockets Server @, port 1883 Connected! Connecting to mqtt broker... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W 11. WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):0 dBm Connecting to secured-host:port = Connected! Connecting to mqtt broker... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from WiFiMQTTSecure on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W 12. WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiMQTToverWebSocket on RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):0 dBm Connecting to WebSockets Server @, port 8080 Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W 13. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket on Nano_RP2040_Connect

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket on NANO_RP2040_CONNECT, with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library and arduino-pico core, connecting to MQTT server.

Start WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocket on NANO_RP2040_CONNECT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library WiFiNINA_Generic v1.8.15-1 WiFiWebServer v1.9.5 WebSockets_Generic v2.16.1 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Please upgrade the firmware Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-27 dBm Connecting to WebSockets Server @, port 8080 Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from NANO_RP2040_CONNECT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from NANO_RP2040_CONNECT with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library 14. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano_RP2040_Connect

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on NANO_RP2040_CONNECT, with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library and Arduino mbed_nano core, connecting to Secured MQTT server.

Start WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect WiFiNINA_Generic v1.8.15-1 WebSockets_Generic v2.16.1 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-30 dBm Connecting to secured-host:port = Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect 15. WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT

This is terminal debug output when running WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on SAMD_NANO_33_IOT, with WiFiNINA using WiFiNINA_Generic Library, connecting to Secured MQTT server.

Start WiFiNINA_MQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect WiFiNINA_Generic v1.8.15-1 WebSockets_Generic v2.16.1 MQTTPubSubClient_Generic v1.2.1 Connecting to SSID: HueNet1 You're connected to the network, IP = SSID: HueNet1, Signal strength (RSSI):-30 dBm Connecting to secured-host:port = Connecting to mqtt broker.... connected! MQTT received: /mqttPubSub - Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect Subscribed to /mqttPubSub => Hello from WiFiMQTToverWebSocketSecure on Nano RP2040 Connect Debug

Debug is enabled by default on Serial. Debug Level from 0 to 4. To disable, change the MQTT_PUBSUB_LOGLEVEL to 0

#define MQTT_PUBSUB_DEBUG_PORT Serial // Debug Level from 0 to 4 #define _MQTT_PUBSUB_LOGLEVEL_ 1 Troubleshooting

If you get compilation errors, more often than not, you may need to install a newer version of the core for Arduino boards.

Sometimes, the library will only work if you update the board core to the latest version because I am using newly added functions.


Submit issues to: MQTTPubSubClient_Generic issues

TO DO Support Portenta_H7, SAM-DUE, megaAVR, etc. Bug fixing. DONE Add support to Arduino SAMD21 (ZERO, MKR, NANO_33_IOT, etc.) Add support to Adafruit SAMD21 (Itsy-Bitsy M0, Metro M0, Feather M0 Express, etc.). Add support to Adafruit SAMD51 (Itsy-Bitsy M4, Metro M4, Grand Central M4, Feather M4 Express, etc.). Add support to Adafruit nRF52 ( Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.. Add support to Ethernet W5x00, using either Ethernet, Ethernet2, Ethernet3 or EthernetLarge library Add support to Ethernet ENC28J60, using UIPEthernet library Add support to ESP32 and ESP8266 Add support to Seeeduino SAMD21/SAMD51: LoRaWAN, Zero, Femto M0, XIAO M0, Wio GPS Board, Wio Terminal, Grove UI Wireless Add support to EthernetENC Add support to RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, using Arduino-mbed RP2040 core Add support to RP2040-based boards such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, using Earle Philhower's arduino-pico core Add support to Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet using NativeEthernet library Add support to Teensy 4.1 built-in Ethernet using QNEthernet library Add support to SAMD21/SAMD51 boards using Fab_SAM_Arduino core Use new Ethernet_Generic library as default for W5x00. Support SPI2 for ESP32 Add support to SPI1 for RP2040 using arduino-pico core Use new waitForLink() function of QNEthernet Add support to RP2040W using MQTT, Secured MQTT or MQTT-over-WebSockets with arduino-pico core Add support to Nano_RP2040_Connect, Nano_33_IoT, using MQTT, Secured MQTT, MQTT-over-WebSockets or Secured MQTT-over-WebSockets with WiFiNINA_Generic library library Add support to MKRWiFi1010, etc., using MQTT, MQTT-over-WebSockets with new WiFi101_Generic library library Contributions and Thanks Based on and modified from Joël Gähwiler's lwmqtt Library Joël Gähwiler's async-mqtt Library Hideaki Tai's MQTTPubSubClient Library 256dpi⭐️ Joël Gähwiler hideakitai⭐️ Hideaki Tai Contributing

If you want to contribute to this project:

Report bugs and errors Ask for enhancements Create issues and pull requests Tell other people about this library License

Many of the credits go to original authors

Joël Gähwiler Hideaki Tai

The library is licensed under MIT

Copyright Copyright (c) 2017- Joël Gähwiler Copyright (c) 2021- Hideaki Tai Copyright (c) 2022- Khoi Hoang




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